They are tough, drought-tolerant, and take sun or part shade. They are gorgeous in drifts, and especially lovely planted where the sun will shine through them at the beginning or end of the day.
It is important to give grasses the room they need because they look best when they are full. I have seen large grasses planted against a sidewalk so that they needed pruning once a month or more, and to me, they look terrible! Their beauty relies upon that wonderful fountain shape they achieve when they are allowed to grow to their full size. They should only be cut back, usually to the ground, once or twice a year when they begin to look dry and ragged.
Grasses offer a wonderful way to create a soothing palette of greens, with texture and motion to give interest.
Here are a couple examples of grasses planted along a "stream bed" of river rock at the Skirball Center in Los Angeles.
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